Friday 4 March 2011

All change for North Africa

So we've seen a succession of protests and grass-roots political upheavals recently and one can't help but wonder of this in anyway connected to the diminishing power of the USA. Even as I type that it feels weird to write. I am from a generation that grew up under the shadow of American dominance. I just about remember the twilight days of the USSR but every day since we have been reminded how America valiantly crushed it and how good and noble triumphed. We've been fed a diet of MTV culture and rosy sitcoms where nobody seems to worry about money or work and where everyone basks in the American dream. Amongst this plethora of subtle and not so subtle propaganda has been an element of self-flagellation X-files springs prominently to mind, a show made in the USA and exported globally in which an FBI agent repeatedly stumbles upon insidious underhanded and general "evilness" by dark and mysterious forces within the upper echelons of the US government. Then we have these thoughts confirmed as, at the very Zenith of the US projection of global power, we hear of dark deeds by unknown actors working for the US military in jails such as Abu Ghraib or the "secret prisons" which were to be the vacation destination for some retched soul undergoing extraordinary extradition. All this lead to a very healthy fear of the USA as a towering and unshakeable force in the world.

So to see the USA now slipping into its own internal economic abyss, and at the same time retracting its tentacles from every corner of the globe, to see it start to look, well, vulnerable! is as shocking as if one morning my cat spoke to me whilst I fed her her morning breakfast. What we are witnessing here is the decline of an empire. It was the first of its kind, an empire not where it simply "occupied" as much geographical land space as possible, but where it sought to control through treaties, economics and intelligence networks. It did a sterling job for a long time but it's that latter, the intelligence networks that are poignant here with regard to the North African states. As it’s these networks around the globe that allowed the US to keep potential rivals down, whether it be supporting despot rulers of supplying arms to warring factions, the US government knew how to manipulate. I say "knew", well, they must have missed something somewhere along the line as China's meteoric rise seems to have caught them unawares. I wonder what designs this new Asian leviathan has for these malleable states such as Libya, Egypt and the such like?....

Tuesday 19 October 2010


The article in the above link refers to the agreement to form a trading group between Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and others to follow. I am intrigued by these developments, if solely from an academic perspective. We have ASEAN, CarriCom, the EU and others already. So what is this one going to be called? Does it have a name yet? The emergence of these trans-national intergovernmental and supranational associations is fascinating to watch. Their organic growth through a series of treaties. It's entirely natural that the Eurasian one should closely resemble the former Soviet Union. You can't just disregard history and a common cultural heritage. There’s one thing I’m sure though; provided integration proceeds at a swift and steady pace as well as in a careful and considered way, Given Russia's economic might and the sheer size of the combined areas involved it will be a regional power guaranteed a key role on world stage in the years to come.

Friday 15 October 2010

Generational warfare.

There has been a huge amount of stuff written and produced on this subject and I am certainly not here to claim original credit for this concept. But I would like to rally support for generation X and to some extent Y. To quickly recap on various aspects of this issue that have been covered so far, Firstly and most importantly The shear weight of things that have gone in the baby boomer's favour has been considerable. Born into Social democracy all the political hard work had been done for them. By the mid 1960's the formation of a political united Europe that started with the European coal and steal community was well underway. Demand for good and services was sky high, thus resulting in jobs galore. Favourable company pensions for abundant too. now we can see the controversy over the final salary pensions. Which are such an alien concept to young people. Now that they are old, as yes they are actually OLD. We see desperate attempts to stay young. Holding on to jobs to the detriment of the next generation and spending small fortunes on cosmetics and other beauty product. I the UK they have neglected social housing for many years resulting in a chronic housing shortage while they all jet off to Spain to spend their children's inheritance. I should stop now the point is not to list the problems as I suspect you all know them. I merely ask people who identify with this to comment below.

Там было огромное количество материала, написал и выпустил по этому вопросу, и я, конечно, не здесь, чтобы требовать оригинал кредит на эту концепцию. Но я хотел бы заручиться поддержкой для поколения X и в некоторой степени Y. Чтобы быстро резюме по различным аспектам этого вопроса, которые были покрыты так далеко, во-первых, и самое главное сдвига вес вещей, которые пошли в пользу бэби-бумеров имеет было значительным. Родился в Социал-демократия все политические напряженной работы было сделано для них. К середине 1960-х годов формирования политической объединенной Европы, который начался с Европейского объединения угля и украсть сообщество полным ходом. Спрос на товары и услуги был высоко в небо, в результате чего в изобилии рабочих мест. Благоприятные пенсий компании обильные тоже. Теперь мы видим спор окончательного пенсии зарплаты. Какие такие чужеродные концепции для молодых людей. Теперь, когда они стары, как да они на самом деле OLD. Мы видим отчаянные попытки, чтобы оставаться молодой. Холдинг на работу в ущерб следующего поколения и расходов малого состояния на косметику и другие продукты красоты. Я Великобритании, они пренебрегли социального жилья на протяжении многих лет в результате хронической нехватки жилья в то время как все они струи с в Испанию, чтобы провести наследования своих детей. Я должен остановиться сейчас речь идет не перечислить проблемы, как я подозреваю, вы все их знаете. Я только прошу людей, которые отождествляют себя с этим на комментарий ниже.

Thursday 14 October 2010


I sincerely hope that Spain and the other countries mentioned in this article ( , stay the way they are. I am english and have live and driven in many of the EU member states and I dread any time I have to go to the UK and drive. As a motorist I feel utterly powerless. It is a fact that you have less rights as one. Unlike others using a public highway, the motorist can be stopped by the police without reason, searched and failing to answer questions is a crime in itself.

Untill very recently Britain's roads were under the grip of the safety lobby. People that prioritise reducing you or your child's risk of premature death down to zero at all costs. If this involves bringing the economy down to it's knees due to traffic crawling along at 20mph or premeturely writing off vehicles due to speed bumps every 3 meters, then so be it. If this involves setting britain up as a police state with a bleak future, speed carmera on every corner, fine. Oh but, "The Children! The Children!". whatever. People die on roads. Get over it.

The coalition announced an end to the war on the motorist. Is this new hope or a new set of false promises? we'll see...

Monday 4 October 2010

Gulag Europe.

Human nature fascinates me. It is within human nature a desire to control but it is equally with our nature to seek freedom. At what point do we say to much control is detrimental to our society.

This is a much discussed issue both within EU member states and at an EU level. As the saying goes, "Don't judge a man on what he says, judge him on what he does!" so lets look at the reality on the ground is for every day EU citizens. And its grim.

In many countries you are required to register at you local council. So they know where you live. You are required to pay income tax so they know where you work and how much you get. If you have a business, you are required to fill in government questionaires. So they know what you up to. It seem seems that the only area of life they don't know in detail is your bedroom activities and even then from various sources of information available to them (such as your intenet searches) they can have a good guess.

Add into this the fact that Europe has the most number of civilian survailance cameras per capita and the new security bill which has been passed through the EU Parliament, another example of the shocking disregard for your privicy, liberty and freedom. A bill which allows the US to access informatition about convicted and arrested EU citizens, even if their sentences are concidered "spent". I it all starts to add up to a pretty poor state of affairs.

History tells us that when peoples liberties are suppressed, hard enough and long enough, like a compressed spring that ihas been released, eventually the situation will dramatically redressed.

Saturday 22 May 2010

Saturday 20 February 2010

And the weak shall inherit the earth.

I don't have children, my wife and I are very happy with that, with no intention for the future. The world is a bit shit(the part created by humans) to be honest and we really don't want t contribute to it. I'm not harming anyone, I'm not on tv telling people to sew up their baby popping fannies. no. so what the hell is this blokes problem.