Monday 4 October 2010

Gulag Europe.

Human nature fascinates me. It is within human nature a desire to control but it is equally with our nature to seek freedom. At what point do we say to much control is detrimental to our society.

This is a much discussed issue both within EU member states and at an EU level. As the saying goes, "Don't judge a man on what he says, judge him on what he does!" so lets look at the reality on the ground is for every day EU citizens. And its grim.

In many countries you are required to register at you local council. So they know where you live. You are required to pay income tax so they know where you work and how much you get. If you have a business, you are required to fill in government questionaires. So they know what you up to. It seem seems that the only area of life they don't know in detail is your bedroom activities and even then from various sources of information available to them (such as your intenet searches) they can have a good guess.

Add into this the fact that Europe has the most number of civilian survailance cameras per capita and the new security bill which has been passed through the EU Parliament, another example of the shocking disregard for your privicy, liberty and freedom. A bill which allows the US to access informatition about convicted and arrested EU citizens, even if their sentences are concidered "spent". I it all starts to add up to a pretty poor state of affairs.

History tells us that when peoples liberties are suppressed, hard enough and long enough, like a compressed spring that ihas been released, eventually the situation will dramatically redressed.

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