Tuesday 19 October 2010

RE. http://rt.com/Politics/2010-10-18/russia-belarus-relations-union.html

The article in the above link refers to the agreement to form a trading group between Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and others to follow. I am intrigued by these developments, if solely from an academic perspective. We have ASEAN, CarriCom, the EU and others already. So what is this one going to be called? Does it have a name yet? The emergence of these trans-national intergovernmental and supranational associations is fascinating to watch. Their organic growth through a series of treaties. It's entirely natural that the Eurasian one should closely resemble the former Soviet Union. You can't just disregard history and a common cultural heritage. There’s one thing I’m sure though; provided integration proceeds at a swift and steady pace as well as in a careful and considered way, Given Russia's economic might and the sheer size of the combined areas involved it will be a regional power guaranteed a key role on world stage in the years to come.

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