Sunday 17 May 2009

While the cat sleeps, the mice shall play.

Am I the only one NOT to be surprised by this latest MPs' Expenses bussiness? I mean when they toted it up on the BBC News, it came to roughly £134k. My reaction was shock, not of how much it was but of how little it was. This is a pittence it really is. The second and more horrifying shock was to watch the reaction of the British public both in the audience of the Question Time and in the interviews on the streets from a widespread of channels such as the BBC or Skynews. I mean, they were genuinely shocked at this happening. I am enraged and yet dispair at the same time. The dumming down of the peoples of the west has reached new levels. Maybe if they watched a little less Pop Idol and a few more newsfeeds, they would have a slight clue as to what is going on in the wider world around them. WAKE UP PEOPLE! This is called politics it effects everyone. including you! these people have been stealing your money for years. They are not to blame, they are only doing what we all would do if we could get away with it. They are doing exactly what you, the public, have allowed them toi get away with. The problem stems from the lethergy of the voters, not from the MP's. These people have not just been stealling your money they have been stealing you rights too and in UK those rights were skant to start off with (less than 2 percent of brits surveyed in 2004 new the difference between a "citizen" and a "subject". As the old saying goes: "The price of freedom is enternal vidulance!"

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